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- NOVA Research
Dinora Lopes
Diretora do Serviço de Interesse Comum
Grupo GHTM: Vector-borne diseases and pathogens (VBD)
Top 5 Publicações
- A review of antimalarial plants used in traditional medicine in communities in Portuguese-speaking countries: Brazil, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe and Angola. Silva JR, Ramos Ade S, Machado M, de Moura DF, Neto Z, Canto-Cavalheiro MM, Figueiredo P, do Rosário VE, Amaral AC, Lopes D. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2011 Aug;106 Suppl 1:142-58.
- Evaluation of prevalence’s of pfdhfr and pfdhps mutations in Angola. Fortes F, Dimbu R, Figueiredo P, Neto Z, do Rosário VE, Lopes D. Malar J. 2011 Feb 2;10(1):22.
- Triterpenoids as inhibitors of erythrocytic and liver stages of Plasmodium infections. Ramalhete C, da Cruz FP, Lopes D, Mulhovo S, Rosário VE, Prudêncio M, Ferreira MJ. Bioorg Med Chem. 2011 Dec 15;19(24):7474-81.
- SLC40A1 Q248H allele frequencies and associated SLC40A1 haplotypes in three West African population samples. Albuquerque D, Manco L, Loua KM, Arez AP, Trovoada Mde J, Relvas L, Millimono TS, Rath SL, Lopes D, Nogueira F, Varandas L, Alvarez M, Ribeiro ML. Ann Hum Biol. 2011 May;38(3):378-81.
- Karavilagenin C derivatives as antimalarials. Ramalhete C, Lopes D, Molnár J, Mulhovo S, Rosário VE, Ferreira MJ. Bioorg Med Chem. 2011 Jan 1;19(1):330-8.