Enhancement of commercial antifungal agents by Kojic Acid.
- Autores: Campbell BC, Chan KL, Chang PK, Faria NC, Kim JH, Kim YK, Mahoney N, Martins Mde L
- Ano de Publicação: 2012
- Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Enhancement+of+Commercial+Antifungal+Agents+by+Kojic+Acid
Natural compounds that pose no significant medical or environmental side effects are potential sources of antifungal agents, either in their nascent form or as structural backbones for more effective derivatives. Kojic acid (KA) is one such compound. It is a natural by-product of fungal fermentation commonly employed by food and cosmetic industries.
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