Thioridazine induces apoptosis of multidrug-resistant mouse lymphoma cells transfected with the human ABCB1 and inhibits the expression of P-glycoprotein.
- Autores: Amaral L, Molnar J, Spengler G, Viveiros M
- Ano de Publicação: 2011
- Journal: Anticancer Research
- Link:
Chlorpromazine has activity against a large variety of cancer types. However, this phenothiazine produces a plethora of serious side-effects. We have studied thioridazine (TZ), a phenothiazine neuroleptic that is much milder, for activity against multidrug-resistant (MDR) cancer cells, as well as against the overexpressed ABCB1 transporter (P-glycoprotein) that is the cause for the MDR phenotype of these cancer cells.
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