The Travel Medicine Appointment of IHMT/ADMT is a reference appointment in Portugal. Our clinicians are among the most qualified to provide advice to travelers. We also provide advice to travelers during their journey.
While traveling, travelers contact with new environments, exposing themselves to new disease agents, different climate and altitudes, which can endanger their health. These risks can be minimized with preventive measures. Therefore, travelers should be informed on precautions to adopted before, during, and even after the trip.
Before traveling, make an appointment with us. Find out all the services we have to offer.
The IHMT/ADMT has the following appointments at travelers disposal:
- Travelers Medicine Appointments (Pre-Travel)
- Tropical Medicine Appointments
- Pediatrics and Dermatology Appointments
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases Appointments
Contacts for appointments and more information:
Phone: +351 213 652 630
Fax: +351 213 627 553
Schedule: From 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00
Other available services:
- Vaccinations
- Clinical Pathology
Traveler’s Responsabilities
- Carefully plan the trip before departure
- Seek for specialized medical advice in advance (preferably 4-8 weeks before departure)
- Recognize and accept the risks involved
- Take health precautions before, during and after the trip
- Follow the recommended vaccinations, the prescribed medication and subsequent precautions
- To transport the medical kit and know how to use it
- Consider the subscription of adequate travel insurance
- Get a medical certificate stating the prescribed medication or other medical material you will carry with you
- To ensure the health and well-being of children
- Take precautions to avoid transmission of any infectious disease during and after the trip
- If you become ill during or after the trip, make a doctor’s appointment referring country you have visited
- Respect your host country and its people by following local laws and customs.
Clinical Coordination
Carlos Araújo (MD, Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Specialty)
Travelers Medicine Appointments (Pre-Travel)
Adults Appointments
- Abílio Antunes (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Carlos Araújo (MD, Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Specialty)
- Carolina Resende (MD, Family Medicine Specialty)
- Cláudia Conceição (MD ,PhD, Internal Medicine Specialty)
- Ellen Blondé (MD, Family Medicine Specialty)
- Fernando Ventura (MD, PhD, Pulmonology, Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Filomena Pereira (MD, PhD, Family Medicine Specialty)
- Joana Pauleta (MD, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialty)
- João Borges da Costa (MD, PhD, Dermatology and Venereology Specialty)
- Jorge Ribeiro Silva (MD, Family Medicine and Work Health Specialty)
- Jorge Seixas (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- José Tiago Baptista (MD, Intern)
- Luís Canelas (MD, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialty)
- Paulo Ferrinho (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Rafael Fernandes (MD, Family Medicine Specialty)
- Rosa Teodósio (MD, PhD)
Pediatrics Appointments
- Carla Juvandes (MD, Intern)
- Cláudia Constantino (MD, Pediatrics Specialty)
- Mónica Marçal (MD, Pediatrics Specialty)
- Rita Machado (MD, Pediatrics Specialty)
Tropical Medicine Appointments
- Abílio Antunes (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Filomena Pereira (MD, PhD, Family Medicine Specialty)
- Jorge Seixas (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Paulo Ferrinho (MD, PhD, Tropical Medicine Specialty)
- Carlos Araújo (MD, Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Specialty)
- Fernando Ventura (MD, PhD, Pulmonology, Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Specialty)
Dulcinia Ferreira
Isabel Figueiredo
Paula Rebouta
Elisabete Fernandes
Elisabete Paulino
Paula Rocha
International Authorities
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- fitfortravel – Travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK
National Authorities (in PT)
- Secretaria de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas – Portal das Comunidades Portuguesas
- Direção-geral da Saúde
Interactive Map [em inglês]
The Association for the Development of Tropical Medicine (ADMT) is engaged in the study and supports initiatives that contribute to the development of tropical medicine, particularly in research, cooperation, training, creation of medical support infrastructures and technology, as well as in the provision of services that contribute to the achievement of the its purposes.
ADMT aims at:
- Promoting and supporting research activities.
- Developing and supporting training activities.
- Celebrating protocols and establishing partnerships in the area of tropical medicine and related fields.
- Creating and managing infrastructures of medical and technological support.
- Provide scholarships and grants to support actions related to teaching and research.
- Exercise any other activities by the General Meeting, provided it is within the scope of the Association’s assignments.
General Assembly Board:
Presidente: Jaime Nina
Vice-presidente: Carlos Araújo
Secretário: Celso Cunha
Presidente: Paulo Ferrinho
Vice-Presidente: Jorge Seixas
Vogal: Deolinda Cruz
Supervisory Board:
Presidente: Maria do Rosário Martins
1º Vogal: António Sá
2º Vogal: Nunes Cameira (ROC)